Aim and Scope
The conference is the 5th of Series of annual International Conferences on Microelectronic Devices and Technologies (MicDAT) held in Barcelona (Spain), 2018, in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 2019, in virtual format in 2020/2021 and in Corfu (Greece), 2022, organized by IFSA - non-profit, professional association, serving for academy and industry since 1999.
The MicDAT' 2023 conference is intended to create awareness of the huge potential of modern microelectronic technologies and to improve understanding on the recent challenges in a wide range of applications. The many different technological bases for the fabrication of microelectronic devices, SoC, SiP, MEMS and NEMS will be outlined in this event.
A number of recognized experts from both: academy and industry in the field of microelectronic design will be invited to give their view in selected application areas. Featuring strong participation of industry and academia, the MicDAT' 2023 conference will provide an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and present latest advancements in these areas.
The aim of MicDAT series of conference is to provide an annual world forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in microelectronics, and bring together leading international researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on any of the microelectronics related technologies. The conference will offer plenary and invited talks, contributed oral and poster presentations, special sessions, tutorials, and exhibitions of commercial products. Social and cultural events will also take place to foster networking among the participants in a friendly manner. The conference is coordinated with the IFSA series of conferences, which deal with physics and engineering.
We trust that you will find MicDAT' 2023 conference professionally rewarding and stimulating as well as enjoyable.
Peer Review
All submitted papers have been preliminary peer reviewed by international reviewers. The authors have revised papers after review, and resubmitted it for the second round of review by the technical committee. By this way, all mandatory corrections were made. All published papers have been presented at the event and opened for discussion.